Student Testimonials

—TESTIMONIALS for Embracing Your Star Seed Nature—

Thank you one more time Judith, for a new amazing course. I feel that it has given me a lot; to the heart, to the understanding of the connection we have to the Stars and our guides there and the new strong energy that came in to my healing hands yesterday… Appreciate so much everything you give and share, it is wonderful the gift you have.    Britt E., Norway


I am very grateful to Judith for the work she is doing to help Starseeds become more of what they really are. This is a huge contribution to our world. I did not know Judith before and I got the opportunity to appreciate her intelligence and compassion. She has a brilliant mind and a beautiful heart. I liked her answers very much and appreciated greatly her kindness and compassion.  On two occasions, I received some unexpected intuition that helped me move beyond blockages. This is a great thing.    Silvia S., Canada


This course was a welcome space in my week. A time to gather and connect with other beautiful souls, to learn, to meditate and reflect. And it helps remind me that there are others on this planet who are walking along beside me on this journey.    Cari D., Massachusetts


This class was a unique journey through the cosmos to remember our galactic heritage and come home to yourself as a star being in service to humanity.    Linda S., Arizona


The class was very empowering in exploring the starseed consciousness.  The guided meditations were the perfect container for expanding my personal connection.  In the meditations, I received powerful information that served as a jumping off point to learn more.  Also appreciated the sharing within the group – helped me to feel safe in exploring the starseed connection.    Vivi S., California


Full of powerful meditations, Judith’s class was deeply informative about our connections to Star Nations. I love Judith’s teaching style, which encourages each person to feel into and find the truth for themselves in each experience. She gives the perfect amount of guidance and support in this process, and I always find myself more trusting of my own process after a class with her. During this course I also deepened my knowledge about how to continue living in 5th dimensional frequency, which is so important for our world right now.    Becky W., Illinois

Judith is the rare teacher who is able to teach 5D               Consciousness material from a grounded perspective, understanding that this information is ultimately about becoming a more fully actualized human being and thereby contributing to the elevation of Gaia to her next level of expression. In order to do this, we must work with our inner darkness as well as our light. In this class Judith weaves her considerable understanding of psychological processes with inspired opportunities to connect with our 5th dimensional selves. This class was just what I needed!  Ruby F., North Carolina
I loved the course in general. I found the divine timing with              the course and my upgrades/remembering’s/integrations was perfect.  I loved the guidance and support from both Judith and the group togetherness and sharing.  Mel W., Australia



—TESTIMONIALS for Connecting Star Consciousness with Earth Consciousness—

“I truly loved this class…every week was a true adventure in exploring our potential as living as 5D humans and realizing that this is an achievable goal.  I found Judith to be a fun loving and wise guide. She offered great insight about each of our individual experiences with our meditations.

I especially loved the meditations and listening to the participants share their experiences which were so varied and interesting.  Everyone expressed their authenticity and I found it so meaningful to be a part of a group of that is passionate about bringing about conscious evolution.”  Debbie DeVere, North Carolina

 “Over a year ago, I read Activating Your 5D Frequency and enjoyed and benefited from the material that Judith so eloquently shared in a practical and enlightening manner. The 10-week course was so helpful to actually participate and go deeper because of the exercises and meditations that Judith guided us through.  It took me to more expanded levels of awareness and understanding regarding my own multidimensionality and the energetic and frequency changes on the planet.

The sharing of other students from all over the US and other parts of the world was also inspiring.  I felt uplifted by our shared humanity and compassion as well as the often brilliant concepts and insights that they conveyed.” JoAnne Jakeman, California

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Judith and the great people that I met in this course from all around the world.  It was a intricate mixture of Judith sharing her wisdom with the class then after a thought provoking meditation; we, the class, would share our experiences (if you wanted to share).  Judith had a lovely way of assisting all of us with different issues that arose.  You could tell that she genuinely cared about her students.

What I liked best about this course is the knowledge I received from it.  I will be processing it for a long time to come.  Judith made it very interesting and timely.  The time in the class always passed so quickly. Ellen Dees, Ohio

“I’m definitely not an avid course attendant, so when I do, I like to attend a class that will add something of value to my growth process. And this course really did! For me it did fit like hand in glove! Together with Judith’s book, Activating your 5D frequency, it was like tailor-made for my journey. It was with great joy and pleasure that I could tick all the boxes of my list of subjects of importance to me. I really feel that my soul and my being (and my human me) was both nourished and inspired by this course!

Judith’s energy made it possible to have a fruitful and meaningful class every Sunday for ten weeks. I really like the way she teaches – her unconditional, non-judging and loving energy is rare and genuine and she never talks like she knows best. She just shares her experiences, wisdom, knowledge and love in the most mellow and beautiful way.”Deva Anupada Aune, Norway

“Being new to 5D Consciousness, Judith’s class was very helpful to me in understanding and learning about 5D. Judith’s knowledge is extensive, and her vibration is very high. I highly recommend this class. Thank you, Judith for a wonderful class!” Bev Yohe, North Carolina

“Since this was my introduction to 5D, I am so pleased with all I have understood and learned. The course has helped me to be more “Here and now” and in Oneness with everything in nature that is around me. I will keep the teaching in my heart forever and let my “judge” leave me.

Judith’s teaching, storytelling, love and light she shared and the way she talked about the chapters in your book, I liked the best… Together with the meditations, they took me into  my inner landscape. They were powerful and deep, and very helpful on my path to 5D.” Britt Engen, Norway

“Great course. Have looked forward to Judith’s presentation of her book through this course for some time. Having been blessed to attend her classes early on prior to writing the book and course, I have loved this topic and how Judith explores it. The dynamic of having a group at various degrees of familiarity was quite interesting as so much richness and visionary potency was birthed. This is timeless and evolutionary material with a gentle yet diving deep approach. The vessel of the class dynamic helped expand my perception for even more creation of a 5d world.

Bringing the class on live to work with the book info deepened the experiences so much more to me. I loved Judith’s meditations. She has a beautiful way of taking you in quick, deep and specifically guided to what you are there for.

Thank you, Judith.” 💗 Teri Freesmeyer, Illinois

“This was such a great course.   The beginning meditation really helped to ground me and clear my energy before starting the class.  Dimensions were clearly explained.  I enjoyed hearing people’s experiences each week, so I am grateful there was also time for sharing.  No matter what happened earlier in the day, after class I felt connected and aligned.” Melissa Meyer, Pennsylvania

“The course was very enlightening and easy to follow.  I learned a lot about the gentle shifts we can make to ascend to 5D and live in non-duality.   I liked the meditations which allowed me to see what’s possible and how I can call on my ascension guides as needed.” Brigette Rawlings, Tennessee

“This course helped me to create a deeper dialogue within myself and my heart consciousness, and taught me ways to stay connected to that space as I navigate the day. Being able to take part has already shown an impact on my family’s life, with how I am able to be in relation with my children and send them love in what they are doing, even if it is something I do not agree with. It has transformed the way we communicate and I hope to revisit the lessons of this course to keep those lines of communication open. 

 My favorite part was the openness that Judith maintained throughout to people really embracing their personal experiences.  People were encouraged to trust their own guidance and apply what resonated to them. I also really think that activating how to live from one’s 5D self is a deeply relevant and important teaching at this time, and Judith’s course is an insightful, welcoming, and supportive way to learn how to do that.” Becky Wheeler, Illinois