Empowering the Spirit ONLINE Part One

I am excited to announce the newest format of Empowering ONLINE is now accepting registrations! Now you will you be able to start (and finish) this course whenever it is convenient for you, Included in the course is personal feedback from me to help deepen your process when you post on the student bulletin board.


As part of the evolutionary shift occurring on the planet, we are being guided to activate the full power of our Spirit, calming our ego and living from our heart in order to fulfill our sacred contracts. This online course will teach you to ignite your Soul’s full potential through an original process of self-inquiry designed to activate deep levels of healing, self-awareness and higher states of consciousness and to provide models of how to live in alignment with New Earth frequencies.

Empowering the Spirit ONLINE Part 1 is the first in a series of two online courses. Following the structure from my book, EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential, this 12 module course, originally designed to be completed in six weeks, will teach you how to align your individual expression with your soul essence and soul contracts. This is a self-directed course and ideal for those who love to journal and who connect with their inner wisdom through guided meditation. Each chapter of Part One of the book has 2 classes. In addition there will be many supplementary exercises and meditations. You will be amazed at how deeply you will be able to go in your own process. Fee for the course is $306. (Print edition of the book is recommended)

Click here to read testimonials


How the Course Works:

When you attend my online course, you will be directed to a class link. The link will take you to a page which will include that day’s teachings and three assignments for personal and spiritual growth. There is an audio recording embedded on the page to allow you to listen to my voice in addition to reading the posted material. The three assignments will consist of a variety of self-awareness exercises, journal questions, and meditations designed to activate deep transformation. After each class, you will have the opportunity to share the new growth and insights you are gaining through posting on the online bulletin board.  I will read your posts and respond via email to provide you with personal guidance. 

Course Outline

Class 1: From the Beginning

  • Spirit-directed vs. Ego-Driven
  • Identifying Pretense
  • Setting Intention

Class 2: The Art of Self-Observation

  • Noticing Judgment
  • Dancing with Our Shadow
  • What is our environment really telling us?

Class 3: Power, Empowerment and the Patriarchy

  • The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Within
  • Clarifying the difference between Power and Empowerment
  • Images of New Social Institutions with the Healthy Balance of the Sacred Male and Female

Class 4: Identifying and Transforming Blocks to Full Empowerment

  • Identifying Ways we hold back our Power and Mistrust our Perceptions
  • Uncovering Early Feelings of “Unworthiness”
  • Visualizing Yourself at Full Soul Potential

Class 5: Balancing Our Energy System to Access New Levels of Wholeness

  • Identifying your areas of strength and of weakness
  • Strategies for Change
  • Communing With Our Charka System

Class 6: Chakras and Our Soul Potential

  • 3rd Chakra Assessment & Our Sense of Identity
  • Igniting Your Unique Purpose
  • Finding Our Voice

Class 7: Getting Free

  • Identifying and Shifting Victimization and Suffering
  • Developing Accurate Self-Perception
  • Living With a Sense of Abundance

Class 8: Bringing Our Empowered Selves into an Empowered World

  • Taking an Objective Look at Our Belief System
  • Limitless Perception
  • Meeting Our Empowered Self

Class 9: Pre-birth Choices

  • Generation, Gender and Geography
  • “Perfect” Parents for our Soul Development
  • Hard Day at Earth School

Class 10: Pre-birth Contracts

  • Living in Proper Alignment with 3D Reality
  • Taking Full Responsibility
  • Soul Contracts

Class 11: Our Multidimensional Nature

  • Understanding and Working with the Horizontal Axis of Our Soul
  • Our Light and Our Shadow
  • Welcoming Our Magnificence

Class 12: Daily Life Aligned with Spirit

  • Envisioning Life from Full Soul Potential
  • Unconditional Love for Our Multidimensional Soul
  • Self-Assessment, Resistances & Strategies and Where We Go From Here