Evolution is the Key

These are amazing times — challenging and wonderful.  Truly when all is said and done, what is really being asked of us is simple:  that we keep growing and nurturing our spiritual evolution.  And that we remind ourselves that no matter what happens in 3D, the outcome is not the point, the journey is.  The more we can release our attachment to outcomes, the more we can activate our 5D frequency and therefore our light body.

It is from this frequency that we feed planetary evolution as well.  So much of our suffering and angst right now is really getting stuck in the smaller picture of 4th dimensional drama.  I am not suggesting that people not step forward with activism to heal and transform our third dimensional world, but I am, yet again, saying it starts as an “inside” job.  Heal it within, and it will shift your frequency, which in turn will shift the outer expressions on our planet.  Together we can all do our part to create New Earth, but that part begins by understanding that everything we may feel appalled about on the outer, also is within us because we are all interconnected.  Find that part no matter how much you don’t want it inside of you, send it love and see it begin to melt away.  And of course always keep listening to the direction from your heart.

The early bird discount for the Global Mystery School is about to run out. October 1st is the deadline.  If your soul is calling you here, you are not going to want to miss this opportunity.

GLOBAL SHAMANIC MULTIDIMENSIONAL MYSTERY SCHOOL                      Becoming A Fifth Dimensional Human On Planet Earth

We have taught two in-person circles, each in four segments a piece, and the results have been amazing.  To learn more click HERE.

What former students have said about their experience:

“Magical” “Life Changing”  “...”has helped me widen my vision to see beyond my normal perspective of the world, the universe, and myself and open my heart in love and grace”.  “I have experienced an evolution of growth from within my essence and among kindred spirits.”  “The energy of oneness amplifies the mysteries, inspiring my own self-realization, development, vision and divinity.”  “The sacred container of mystery school honors the wisdom in each of us to create the circle; the puzzle of each holds a unique yet collaborative piece. I felt held in the insecure places and challenges as we dove in to the mysteries and experienced my Universal Wisdom in its full unfolding boldness” “Felt the empowerment of grace to create and support a world of 5th dimensional love and being.” 

Check out my latest interview with Lea Chapin on her wonderful show Inspiration from Spirit. Besides being a great interview and great fun to do, it started off for me rather hilariously.  I was a tad nervous ahead of time as happens to me, despite the fact that interviews are always fine.  I clicked the link her producer sent me 10 minutes before the show started, per their instructions and got a message that I had to download another browser to support the link.  So obviously that was going to take a few minutes.  Several deep breaths at that point.  I had interviewed with Lea years ago on her radio when my book Empowering the Spirit came out.  I thought I was still going to be interviewed on audio… no video involved, until I was finally able to click the link and saw Lea there looking all beautiful and then her producer as well.  I said “Is this video??!!!”  And yep it was.  I asked for a minute to at least comb my hair (I was not a pretty sight) and her producer assured me that I had a few minutes before the show would begin.  So off I tore, to throw on a colorful shawl, get myself looking decent and managed to get back to my computer exactly at the minute that Lea was finishing up my introduction.  I felt that Spirit (and also of course my lack of research) had put that slight obstacle before me to let me know that I can handle whatever comes up and stay on task to make my contribution.  If you want to check out that interview:  Here’s the
Link to Inspiration from Spirit:

Sending you all blessings and love.

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