As Realities Become More Permeable, It’s Time to Embrace Living in the “I Don’t Know”

I don’t know about you, but I have been constantly faced with different versions of what we call “reality.”  Collectively, those of us in the United States cannot even agree that maybe it’s wiser and kinder to wear a mask in public. There are so many story-lines right now, that even areas that may seem obvious no longer fall in the “we-can-all-agree” category.

Conspiracy theories abound and many are convinced they are “real”  — whatever “real” means these days.  We know the old story isn’t true.  Well some of us do.  I’m sure that cannot be agreed on either. Perhaps it all comes down to our fear and resistance of living in uncertainty.

As much as we may try to free ourselves from our old dysfunctional conditioning, we are still hungry to know “this is right,” “this is wrong,” “this is true,””this is false.”  We still seem to hope there is still some external truth we can rely on.  And of course any “truth” that comes from outside us, is not likely to be ‘truth’ at all.

So how to navigate?  How to open our minds to just live in the “I don’t know?” How to just surrender to uncertainty?

The first thing that comes to me when I ask this question is that it is important to bring our fears about living with uncertainty into our conscious awareness.  I know that things I’m uncertain about these days include ‘Is it insane to get on a plane so that I can finally see my grandchildren?” (it’s been almost a year). ” Will I have enough energy and inspiration to keep getting my teachings more and more into the world?” (I need a vacation.). “Is it safe to go on a vacation?” ” Is is safe to not play it safe?”  (I’ve always thought so in the past, but that was before COVID.). “Will new people show up in my life, as old groups are falling away?”  Which all comes down to “Can I really count on the Universe,” which comes down even more to “Can I really trust my inner Guidance?”  The more we are able to connect with that Guidance, to tune into what feels right and what does not feel right for us, the easier ‘uncertainty’ becomes.  As an example, I don’t have to know if I will have the inspiration and energy to get my teachings out in the world in a month, but I know that I can do what needs to be done right now.

There is a book called The Art of Uncertainty which I don’t own and haven’t read, but I love the title.  And the thesis is that learning to live in uncertainty, lets us live in the NOW, let’s us embrace the mystery.  And isn’t that we where we all want to be?

So ponder what it might take to embrace the “I don’t know,” to embrace the uncertainty and learn to connect with the wisdom within to provide you with clarity on where to put your foot next.  Breathe deeply and feel the ease which comes when you allow yourself to be guided into the mystery.

And speaking of mystery, this Saturday my dear friend and colleague Carley Mattimore and I will be opening registration for our Global Shamanic Multidimensional Mystery School…(yeah that’s a mouthful).  We have taught two in-person circles, each in four segments a piece, and the results have been amazing.  Now with Covid, we have decided to launch the school online via Zoom so where-ever you are in world, you have an opportunity to join us.

Here’s a few things some former students have said about their experience:

“Magical” “Life Changing”  “...”has helped me widen my vision to see beyond my normal perspective of the world, the universe, and myself and open my heart in love and grace”.  “I have experienced an evolution of growth from within my essence and among kindred spirits.”  “The energy of oneness amplifies the mysteries, inspiring my own self-realization, development, vision and divinity.”  “The sacred container of mystery school honors the wisdom in each of us to create the circle; the puzzle of each holds a unique yet collaborative piece. I felt held in the insecure places and challenges as we dove in to the mysteries and experienced my Universal Wisdom in its full unfolding boldness” “Felt the empowerment of grace to create and support a world of 5th dimensional love and being.” 

I’ve been doing some wonderful interviews, with more upcoming.  One of my very favorite podcasts was with a young woman named Dana Whitby.  While this won’t go live until September 23rd, I’m putting in the link anyway, just in case you want to save it and put it on your calendar.

Lastly, but definitely not least, I’m in the process of creating a Zoom course for my book Activating Your 5D Frequency. If you haven’t yet gotten the book, there are links below to make that easier for you.

Sending you all blessings and love.

And remember to learn to embrace uncertainty, certainly can make your journey easier.