All Ground is Holy Ground

I started writing this on Winter Solstice and the day where, synchronistically, Jupiter and Saturn joined together at 0 degrees Aquarius. Now the year has changed, and the light is growing and expanding, bringing the Solstice seeds we’ve planted ultimately to the surface.  These seeds are imbued with the energies of the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction and will help us create humane, Aquarian-age social structures that so many of us have been longing for.

Has the Age of Aquarius dawned?  Not according to my astrologer friends, although there are other astrologers who would say ‘yes,’ this is the astrological demarkation. From my perspective, a shift in a 2000-year astrological age is not a single celestial event, but rather a gradual passage we’ve been in for a while. But this current conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, aligned with the powerful Solstice energies, is definitely the opening of a new portal of consciousness which helps shift the consciousness of the collective.

As new portals open, in order to fully participate in this Aquarian social shift, those of us who are way-showers are being asked to expand our perspective to support the 5D qualities of Unity consciousness, of living from the truth that we are all One. It is so interesting and no coincidence that simultaneously many of us are holding opposing narratives, which presuppose different versions of reality.  While frankly, I have found this unsettling, I also realize that there is a higher purpose here… one that allows us to let go of our attachment to our own narrative and know that it is not going to be ‘facts’ that change the world, but rather energy.

To release attachment to our version of what is “real,” means releasing our ego’s need to ‘know.’  If we are certain that we ‘know,’ then we are immediately thrust into judgment that people who disagree with us ‘don’t know.’  Instead, if we can allow the energies of love to flow from our hearts to all beings, including ourselves of course, and to all of Creation, then planetary transformation to bring in equality, compassion, harmony and justice for all, (which is part of the Aquarian vision of a humane, inclusive world,) is free to grow.

So I encourage you to notice in your daily life how you have been conditioned to hold the “us vs. them” consciousness.  Notice when you want to convince people that there is only one way to view reality and that yours is the way.  And then imagine you can breathe into a much larger vision, a vision that holds all perspectives as part of the tapestry of the current state of humanity’s consciousness.  Notice if you can feel love for all of that humanity.  Notice what happens to your heart when you can. It is from here that we will create New Earth.

As I look at my year ahead, in addition to my commitment to myself to transform feelings of stress and overload into joy and flow no matter what the outer circumstances, I’ve also made a commitment to keep my work growing to be of service to the planet.  New offerings emerging.

At long last, I am scheduling my 10-week Zoom class Connecting Star Consciousness with Earth Consciousness based on my book Activating Your 5D Frequency, to begin Sunday, February 21st.  Each of the weekly classes will focus on one chapter of the book, and will include a meditation and teachings to bring us all closer to holding these new high frequency energies that shift our lives and our planet.  This class will be offered at an introductory price.  And if you register by January 31st, you can save an extra $25.00. (Scroll down for more information).

While the current circle for our online Global Mystery School is full, Carley and I will begin a new mystery school circle this August.  Participation is limited so you might want to look over the information below to see if you are being called… Registration opens March 15th.

As we welcome the energies of 2021, may this new year reflect the gifts we have received from the lessons of the cycle that has just passed away.  May these new energies help us flourish and support our soul’s yearning as never before.

And as you walk through your life, remember “All ground is holy ground.”